Monday, October 7, 2013

This week, I literally face planted on the bus.

My dear sweet family. 
I am sorry it has been 3 years since I have written you. Really just 2 weeks, but I know. It was rough for me too. But I very happily opened my email to 83 new emails and lots and lots of joy and love, so maybe the extra 7 day wait was worth it after all. So, long story short, last Monday we had to go to Lisboa for Mission Counsel on Tuesday (aka a whole meeting about mission secrets! ee my dream come true), and my comp got permission to visit her recent converts in Lisboa, so we went down a little early and we sacrificed our most beloved email time to visit some sweet little Portuguese people. But, it was really good, and we actually ended up sleeping in the Mem Martins house, so I got to do a trip down memory lane and it was oh so sweet. Aka, I looked in the Area Book and read what`s happening with my recent converts. Hahhaha. Yikes. I am such a missionary.
Perks of being an STL--I got to play with Sister J on Tuesday, and by play, I mean we got to sit in the same room and receive the same training. Also, I get to meet all the other sisters and see all the areas and meet all the incredible people they are teaching. It is actually so fun, and I love it so much. It`s kinda funny though, because the new girls just look at me like I am this brilliant amazing missionary that knows everything and I just secretly giggle to myself and think...jokes on you. Hahaha, but really, I am learning from them and I love it. Also, ELEANOR--I met Sister Hirschi and I about jumped on her, because I freaking love her and it made me feel closer to you and my heart. Oh, my heart. We will be reunited again.
Also, I have been studying a lot and praying a LOT to be a more consecrated missionary. And to just give it my all and to not worry about the future or all the other things that are going on and to just talk to the whole world and never stop. So, we`re memorizing a scripture and hymn every week and just focusing on the work, because when we love the Lord with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, everything else will work out for our good.
Batista got baptized last week!! Yeah! That`s right! João Batista--aka John Baptist. hahh, but he is actually so elect and so incredible and yay! He`s gonna be a leader so soon, I just know it.
We have difficulties, because the Lord loves us. Because he wants us to grow and to learn. Because he trusts us and knows that we will draw closer to him. He gives us challenges so that He can mold us. Oh, how grateful I am for the very, very, very many challenges I am facing every day. I am glad that the Lord loves me and trusts me enough that He is willing to give me all these challenges.
Perks of having a native companion--I learned `If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a world it would be....` in Portuguese this week! Yeah...there was lots of rain.
Remember that episode of Veronica Mars when Logan calls her and sees her pull out her phone and reject it and put it back in her pocket and then he`s all heart broken? Yeah....that happened to us this week. But we were sitting in the autocarro and we saw our investigator on the street, so we called him and he pulled his phone out of his pocket, held it up, and put it back. OUCH. Except we actually just laughed and laughed, because....yeah. Good thing my comp is a champ and just sends him a text calling him out on it. hahaha I LOVE HER.
Trial of the week--Without Twitter, I can`t complain to the whole world about how cold it is and force them to listen to me. So instead, I just say `Eu vou morrer do frio` about every 3 seconds to my comp. Sorry ´bout it. 
Also, that and every single person decided to call me `brancinha`(really, really, ridiculously white) this week. So...that hurts.
Also, here`s to signing on one week and not having another one of my best friends engaged. Well...there`s always next week. hahaha jk I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH ERIN AND I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER FOR YOU!!! eeeee!!! 
MARCE AND CRAIG!! Thank you for fulfilling my dreams and for marrying each other so I can have two of my best friends with me forever and ever and ever.
Also, glad to see you survived the ten miler kel. So proud of you. Wanna do it together next year?
Okay, my eyes actually hurt from looking through so many emails. Man, it`s so hard to be so popular. ahhahaha jk. You`d think I`d get more humble on the mission.....I`ll keep working on that one.
I hope you all watched Conference and I hope you all remember how much God loves you. If not, go watch it!! LDS.Org. When President Monson came on, I immediately started bawling. Oh, my heart was so full of love. I guess that`s what I get for talking about him every single day and FINALLY getting to hear from him. Hahah I can only imagine what that means about when I see you people. Hahahah Im a mess. Kristan--did you cry during called to serve? haha Also, shout out to Huntsy for a little camera time in MoTab. Oh, how my heart longs for my JRU fam.
I love you I love you I love you. No time. I LOVE YOU. Ill send pictures next week. SORRY MOM.
Sister Brooks

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